What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years. Homeopathic remedies are made from natural sources. It takes care of the person both physically and emotionally. A personal, family, medical and emotional history is also taken to form a complete picture of the patient. Homeopathy has an individualistic approach. According to this, every patient is a separate entity in itself. If we have five cases of migraine, they may need different medicine as every individual is different. In this way, homeopathy seeks to find the correct remedy for the individual expression of a particular patient. It is recognized by the world health organization the second largest therapeutic system in use in the world.
On what principles is Homeopathy actually based?
Homeopathy is based on some basic homeopathic principles. a. Law of similar: The law of similar is fundamental to the practice of homeopathy. The basic principle of homeopathy is that a substance that triggers a certain disease can also be used to treat the disease. The word homeopathy is derived from 2 Greek words “homeos” means “similar” and “pathos” means “suffering”. The homeopathic law is “Similia similibus curanter means “let likes be cured by likes”.
b. Law of simplex: Only single remedy. Homeopathy strongly supports monopharmacy, i.e. prescribing and administering only single simple remedy at a time, to a patient at a given time. c. Law of minimum dose: Minimum dose of the medicine is the minute dose of the medicine which can bring the curative reaction in the vital force without disturbing or damaging the body. Greater the similarity between patient’s symptoms and the drug symptoms the minimum quantity of the medicine is required.
Administration of minimum dose
i. The minute quantity of the dose has the capacity to produce uncommon, peculiar and mental symptoms as observed in the healthy human drug proving.
ii. To avoid medicinal aggravation.
iii. The smaller dose prevents the organic damage.
iv. The minimum dose protects the patient from any side of drug reaction and side effects.
v. Chemistry teaches us that a substance in different doses acts in different ways. Example, Nat Sulph in a large dose causes diarrhea in human beings but the same substance in a smaller doses reduces the level of intercellular water level thus increasing the urinary secretion.
d. Doctrine of drug proving: It is the process of administering the drugs to the healthy human beings of different ages, different constitutions and both the sexes with the sole of observing, compiling and recording their sick curing properties. Hahnemann insisted “only those medicines administered to the patient whose curative effects are known”. Hahnemann was the first person to practically prove the medicines on healthy humans.
The advantages of human drug proving over animal drug proving.
i. Man is intellectually superior to other animals on this planet. Hence, the effect of the drug on his mind and the intellect can only be studied by human drug proving.
ii. Animals may not explain subjective and mental symptoms accurately. Examples fear, anxiety, desires, aversions and sensations etc.
iii. The effect of the same medicine differs from animals to humans because their anatomy is different.
iv. We cannot get modalities and intellectual symptoms from animals.
v. From homeopathic point of view, the symptoms of the mind and Kent’s generals like dreams are the most important symptoms to ascertain hence, to know the capacity of any drug produce such symptoms only possible by proving on human beings.
vi. Qualitative study finding out the taste and smell of the medicinal substance is only possible in human drug proving.
e. Doctrine of drug potentization: The potentization is a process by which the medicinal or curative properties of the crude substances can be brought out, which are otherwise inherent or latent.
The advantages of potentization of medicines.
i. Those substances which are not medicinally useful in their crude form can be aroused and their medicinal properties can be brought out. Example, The common salt (Nat Mur), Surukuku snake (Lachesis), Sand (silicea) are made by the process of potentization.
ii. Potentization process makes the action of the remedy deeper, longer and more systematic. The capacity of a drug substance to produce the mental symptoms increases by the process of potentization.
iii. The regulation of dose and potency is in the physician’s hand. By the process of potentization and succession, we can reduce the dangerous effects of the crude drugs to an incredible degree. We can administer the dose sufficient enough to stimulate the vital force.
iv. The potentization process reduces the material part of the medicine to an incredible degree hence the ‘Law of minimum dose’ can be made practical. Hahnemann introduced 2 process of potentization.
i. Trituration: A potentization process for insoluble substances.
ii. Succussion: A potentization process for soluble substances.
f. Doctrine of chronic diseases: According to Hahnemann, miasms are the basic, fundamental and real cause of all the diseases. The concept of chronic diseases was introduced in the 4th edition of organon. There are 3 miasms namely psora, sycosis and syphilis. Among these three psora is the most fundamental, destructive and oldest miasm. This is called the mother of all miasms. Psora is the cause for 7/8th of all the diseases. Syphilis and sycosis constitute the rest. Unless these miasms are removed from the body the patient cannot be cured from his illness. Hahnemann confidentially states that only dynamic homeopathic remedies can cure these chronic diseases.
g. Doctrine of vital force: Existence of an animating life force in the body which Hahnemann called the vital force. According to theory, the disease is because of derangement of dynamic vital force. In the healthy condition of a man this vital force maintains the normal function of body. In disease, this vital force is the first one to be deranged by miasms. With the assistance of homeopathic medicines this deranged vital force can release itself from the morbid forces called miasms. Homeopathy believes that the health and disease are the result of the changing states of equilibrium between body and vital force.
h. Doctrine of individualization: Individualization is the process of understanding and differentiating a person, both in health and disease from the other persons of his group based on his peculiar and uncommon features. We try to understanding human being’s personality not only by his body but also by his emotional and intellectual state. We all know that every individual is endowed with some unique characters of his own. No two individuals are alike, weather it is in health or disease. The word individualization came from a Greek word called “Individuous” meaning “not visible”.
In treating a patient, two type of Individualizations are done.
i. Individualization of the patient: This is done by noting abnormal, peculiar and uncommon symptoms from his disease point of view.
Example, if we consider two persons suffering eczema one gets relieved of his itching by using hot water application, whereas the other from cold water. The homeopathic physician has to consider such minute differences of the patient before prescribing a remedy.
ii. Individualization of the drug: After understanding the individualization of the patient physician has to compare it with similar drug in materia medica. Only that remedy in the materia medica which exactly suits the individual characters of the patient.
That is why the saying is
“Homeopathy treats the patient and not the disease”.
What else can homeopathy do?
Homeopathy can be beneficial to your houseplants.
Homeopathy can be used in the treatment of your pets and animals.
Homeopathy can be used to rehabilitate, restore and create a longevity and quality of life.
Why is homeopathy so popular?
Homeopathic treatment works with your body’s own healing powers to bring about health and well-being.
You are treated as an individual not as a collection of disease labels.
Homeopathy treats all your symptoms of all levels of your being spiritual, emotional, mental and physical and finds the ‘ like cure like’ match for them.
Cost effective
No harmful testing methods
Effective complementary therapy with other types of treatment ‘Green’ medicine no harmful impact on the environment
Are there any side effects of homeopathic medicines?
Homeopathic medicines are manufactured through a specific pharmaceutical process called potentization in which the substance is diluted in 1:10 or 1:100 solution of distilled water, vigorously shaken, diluted again, shaken again and this process is continued many times.
Homeopathic medicines are diluted so many times that sometimes no trace of original substance can be detected. These medicines therefore considered non-toxic and generally free of harmful side effects
What are benefits of homeopathic treatment?
The remedies are all made from natural substances that’s why safe and gentle for infants, elderly people and during pregnancy. It is non addictive and highly effective without any side effects. Homeopathic medicines revitalizes the body’s natural healing power and immune system. It also reduces susceptibility and strengthens your body’s defense against future illness.
In which disease condition homeopathic treatment is more effective?
In disease conditions from a simple cold to cancer can be treated with homeopathy. Any diseases of respiratory, digestive, genitourinary systems, diseases of blood, bones, muscles, hormones, thyroid, eyes, ears, head, mind, brain, allergies, autoimmune diseases etc. Can be treated.
In incurable cases homeopathy will prove to be a very good palliative and will improve the pain and discomfort of the patient.
In cases where surgery is inevitable(like fibtoid, fissure, hernia, piles, tumors etc) there is always a chance of recurrence of the problem, homeopathy will help to prevent these recurrence. Homeopathic medicines help to reduce anxiety, blood loss and prevent surgical complications before and after surgery.
I have been taken homeopathic treatment but did not have any positive result. Can any other homeopath help me?
It is possible that sometime some patient do not respond to treatment given by other homeopath. There are many reasons for that, as the history given by patient is Insufficient or incomplete, or regularity of the medicines or precautions that are to be taken with medicines or the homeopath is not able to understand the patient due to some reasons, etc. So if you are not helped by a homeopath than I suggest you that you should approach another homeopath for sure.
I have been told by allopathic doctor that there is no treatment for my problem, I cannot be cured. Can homeopathy help me?
Homeopathy can usually help in any kind of problems. A physician of any system of medicine can comment on what that system has to offer to the patient. So even if a patient is said no for treatment by one system of medicine, there is always a way in some other treatment method.
Why is a detailed history required in Homeopathy?
Detailed history is very essential as homeopathy believes in treating the individual and not the disease. So the physician needs to know everything he can about the individual. Also the chronic diseases are due to suppression of skin affections or emotions; hence thorough history will reveal whether any past suppressed ailments have lead to the present complaints.
There are many incidents that influence our life. Knowing them gives an idea about the patient as a person, his characteristics and helps the physician to prescribe the accurate remedy.
What will the homeopath need to know about you?
The homeopath needs to understand you, your nature, your complaints and your disturbed mental and emotional state in order to reach to the core of your case.
Any peculiar habit that you have, your past medical history, childhood details, anything and everything about you will help the physician to help you. If you give an honest and correct history to the physician, he can assess your case accurately. Anything that you confide in your physician will be strictly confidential and helpful.
How long does it take to see any improvement?
The duration of treatment depends on the illness and recovery depends on susceptibility and reactivity of the patient which differs from one person to another person. In case the symptoms are of chronic nature improvement may take longer but you will notice the positive change in you within a few visits. You will experience a sense of general well-being. This is due to enhancement of vital energy in your body due to homeopathic medicines.
Can Homoeopathic medicines to be taken with conventional medicines?
Yes, if you are taking medicines for health problems like blood pressure, diabetes, hormonal therapy, depression, you will have to continue taking these medications along with homoeopathic medicines.
Do homeopathic medicines interfere with other medications?
No homeopathic medicines will not interfere with other forms of treatment and they are safe to take with prescription drugs. You will never be asked to discontinue taking your prescription medications. However, as your health improves with treatment you may feel although you no longer need the same dosage of your prescription medication. It is at this time that you should discuss this with your family doctor. Never stop prescription medication without doing this first.
Will drinking coffee or alcohol or eating food interfere with the effectiveness of my homeopathic medicine?
In general it is recommended that you should refrain from consuming foods such as raw onion or drinks that contain strong aromatics or stimulants such as coffee and peppermint at the same moment as you are taking homeopathic medicines so the two do not interfere with each other. An easy way to follow rule is to simply wait 15 minutes before or after eating, drinking or brushing your teeth.
How should I handle homeopathic pellets and tablets?
It is recommended that you avoid touching the homeopathic pellets and tablets with your fingers or hands. The easiest way is to gently shake the required pellets or tablets into the cap of the container and place the medicine in your mouth. Since the homoeopathic medicine is thinly absorbed onto the surface of most pellets and tablets, any moisture on your fingers or hands may release the medicine at the point of contact rather than in your mouth. In addition any oils on your akin may stict on the surface of the pellets or tablets and impede the proper absorption once the medicine is in your mouth.
How should I store my homeopathic medicines?
Extremes of temperature are never advised for homeopathic medicines. Refrigerating homeopathic medicines is not recommended, nor should they be kept in high temperatures, such as closed vehicle on hot sunny day. It’s best to keep tightly sealed and away from extremes of heat or direct sunlight.
Will I be able to pay by my Insurance?
Your health insurance can cover part or all of your visit to a homoeopathic practitioner if the practitioner has a health care license. Some insurance companies may take care of all the expenses, it is best to enquire with your health insurance provider.
There are homeopathic medicines sold in health food stores that are supposedly for specific diseases, if homeopathy is based on individualisation, are these medicines really homeopathic?
he homoeopathic medicines found in most health food stores are called ‘combination medicines’ or ‘formulas’ since they have between three to eight homeopathic medicines mixed together in them. The various manufacturers choose the homoeopathic medicine most commonly prescribed for specific symptoms and assume that one of them will cure the ailment that the consumer has. Most professional homeopath have found that the medicine is individually choosen for the person tends to work more often and more deeply. Still, if a person does not know how to choose the individual homeopathic medicine or if it is not usually available the various homeopathic combination medicines are invaluable. It is, however, generally believed that combination medicines should not be prescribed for chronic or serious acute problems. Such conditions require the supervision of homeopathic or medical experts.